5 Reasons to Apply for the Master of Leadership in Sustainable Finance
Online Master / 25. März 2020
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Project Assistant Sustainable World Academy
Hillary is a project assistant at Frankfurt School's Sustainable World Academy. She works as a recruiter and admissions officer for the online master, the Master of Leadership in Sustainable Finance.


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Deciding to pursue a master’s degree is a big step in life. Searching for the right master’s programme can often feel like an even bigger feat. Many questions arise – will this master help me climb the professional ladder? Will I be able to balance my work, personal and study time?… Well the Master of Leadership in Sustainable Finance not only helps you answer the aforementioned questions but also helps you build the skills to bring sustainable change.

Here are 5 reasons that might steer you to pursue the Master of Leadership in Sustainable Finance:

  1. Nowadays, we live in a world full of uncertainty. A prime example of this would be the coronavirus epidemic that each area of the globe is currently struggling with. Learning from the comforts of your home, office, hotel, you name it, at any time of the day, is a luxury not to be taken for granted. We understand that learning online requires a certain amount of self-discipline, motivation and determination, but we, at Frankfurt School, are here to encourage you throughout the process. During the duration of your studies, we will provide you with guidance and rest be assured that you will not be alone in this master even though it is online.
  2. Secondly, we strongly believe that the quality of your education can bring about effective change. Climate change is another issue that we are facing that will not only change the way we live, but also how we will successfully do business. For this, we believe leadership skills are needed much more now than ever. By incorporating high-level leadership modules into the programme, you will receive tools and knowledge from professors who have numerous years of experience in these fields to help you grow as a leader in the area of sustainable finance.
  3. Additionally, with the ability to select the electives that are most suitable to you and your professional goals, you can tailor the programme to your individual needs. As Frankfurt School has chosen to rebrand its online master to align our academic programme more closely with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), students now have the advantage of being able to choose their focus area by pursuing the “Green Finance” or “Development Finance” or the best of both tracks.
  4. Furthermore, whether you have been working in the area of sustainable finance for countless years or are deciding to make a switch into the green or development finance sectors, our diverse students, coming from all over the globe, are a great source to network with through online forums and introductory videos from fellow classmates. Moreover, we are always trying to come up with innovative ideas to bring you all together from afar while creating a community of leaders who can truly bring sustainable change.
  5. Last but not least, while learning online has its obvious perks, there is nothing quite like getting to know your fellow students and professors in person. Although it is not obligatory to join us on campus for the Leadership and Change Management module, we strongly encourage our students to attend the two-week programme in Frankfurt, Germany. The positive feedback that we receive from students is a clear indicator that it is a beneficial attribute of the overall programme. Check out what one of our current students who attended the module on campus had to say. You can find his blog here.

So join us in our endeavor and let us bring some sustainable change for our future generations!

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