FS Life - Awards


Blockchain Challenge 2021: Von wertvollen Erfahrungen zu zukunftsweisenden Technologien
4. Juni 2021
Felix Novotny
Mastering the Game: My Journey at the HEC Business Game 2024
7. Juni 2024
Nabarun Ray
Representing Frankfurt School at the IE BBA Case Competition in Madrid
29. April 2024
Martha Zoller
3 good reasons why you should apply to a business challenge at least once
20. April 2020
Jermaine Francisco Gutierrez
Sustain Challenge 2023: Invest goes Green
19. Dezember 2023
Jakob Zapke
FS Student Robin Schmutz bei den Deutschen Hochschulmeisterschaften im Schwimmen
21. August 2023
Robin Schmutz
What is a Business Game?
20. Dezember 2019
Won Joon Choi
How my start-up idea won the Solve for Tomorrow Challenge
4. November 2021
Katharina Porenta
Master of Finance Students Win Prestigious Research Fellowship
29. Januar 2021
Aika Bolat
Grabbing Opportunities at the UCL Business Game
18. Dezember 2019
Sofie Sharaf
Entrepreneurship meets the Swiss Alps: winning the ETH InCube challenge 2020
21. Oktober 2020
Lucia Ariel Hotti
The Frankfurt School Business Game goes Brussels
25. Februar 2020
Frederick Erichsen
Nowcasting Inflation: Machine Learning to resolve the classification challenge?
19. September 2019
Lukas Henkel
My Hackathon experience as a MADS student
11. Oktober 2019
Dipanshu Gupta
Bankfachklasse-Award 2019: Ein einmalig schönes Ereignis mit spitzen Ergebnis
11. September 2019
Stefan Adler