Why an MBA today and not tomorrow
Full-time MBA / 14. April 2022
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Full-time MBA Class of 2022
Sivaraj is an Energy Engineering graduate who previously worked as Research & Development manager in a prominent HVAC equipment manufacturing firm based in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). He is currently pursuing a Full-Time MBA at Frankfurt School.


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From the early stages as a Simulation Engineer to Manager of the Product Development team by 2021, my stint with the company was highly dynamic, requiring frequent travels to multiple cities worldwide for product tests and execution. I thoroughly enjoyed performing the responsibilities that the role in R&D required me to do, such as rapid product innovation and ensuring shorter development cycles, most of which I was able to carry out using my engineering competencies.

The Question: The start of considering a new journey?

In the nearly 6-year timeline, my team had already set a legacy of having launched 3 major product lines to market in record timings. Combined with continuous elevation in my career, the path I was on did check all the boxes of general career aspirations.

By the start of 2021, I  decided to take some time out of my routine to reflect on and review my personal career roadmap. This helped me identify crucial questions – Am I getting complacent with track records in the current role, and was I pushing my future goals to the back seat in the process?

Looking at my options

I saw two paths ahead:

Option one is to organically learn and grow the management competencies in my current career, which could only slowly put me on track toward future goals.

Option two was to commit to learning the management competencies in an MBA programme that could put me on an accelerated path toward future goals of championing ESG in Engineering industries.

With option two, the one key hurdle that I had to overcome was my hesitancy of coming out of my comfort zone. Having spent nearly 6 years developing a successful career, to then leave that behind and take a major step towards a new pathway was a lot to contemplate, however, I knew that this pathway would result in me accelerating my potential greatly.

I said to myself, ‘The ideal time to do it now and not tomorrow’, as tomorrow (next year) I could only be further embedded in my role, which would be even harder to then change paths.

Finding my path

Finally, I chose to pursue the Frankfurt School Full-time MBA. Although I started my application late, the admissions committee was very supportive throughout the process.

I ended up making the cut in the last round of admissions for the Full-Time MBA class of 2022 at Frankfurt School.

Right from the start of the course, it has been a fantastic ride. The programme offered fully packed curricular and co-curricular activities with all the modules of my interest. Most of all, I have met some wonderful people from different parts of the world and varying industries. It’s been exciting to study and collaborate with them in a classroom setting.

I would be glad if this blog motivates any future MBA candidate to quickly move from contemplating an MBA. I would advise that you take time out of your ‘routine’ to retrospect on the expectations for your professional life. If your current career and future goals do not coincide, then it requires timely action. I can be sure that it mostly narrows down to just do it NOW!

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