Joining Frankfurt School's Full-time MBA Program
MBA / 20. November 2014
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MBA Class of 2016
Enrolled in the Full-time MBA program 2015 at the Frankfurt School and belong to Lahore, Pakistan. My past academic and professional background is in the business field. My interests are to write, read, volunteer and run.


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Joining Frankfurt School’s Full-time MBA program has been one of the most crucial decisions I’ve made. After an undergraduate degree in business, I knew an MBA was a natural path for me and I put in a lot of thought into what kind of program I wanted to be in. After shortlisting Frankfurt School for my master’s studies, I was a bit confused as I wouldn’t consider myself a person with broad global experience and understanding of different cultures. However, I had a strong drive to learn and strive in a diverse and multifaceted environment.

Upon receiving my admission, I mentally prepared myself for a lot of uncertainties and ups-and-downs, but to my surprise, the actual experience turned out to be quite the opposite. I was constantly in touch with the FS faculty, who offered continuous assistance in every step and enabled me to move seamlessly to Frankfurt.

It has been over a month since I have joined the MBA program and I have had many memorable days; the most remarkable ones are the orientation and leadership camp days. On the orientation day, we were introduced to the Frankfurt School team & facilities and given an overview of interesting cultural facts about Germany. I was fascinated to learn about my fellow classmates and to find out that the MBA program is as international as it can get, because not only have our teachers been contributing in the business landscape globally, but also the students have a diverse profile in terms of geographic (~85% international), academic and professional background. Before closely interacting with my classmates, I expected a deep cultural shock but on the leadership camp – the primary focus was to get to know your classmates – I found out that despite the striking differences, we are very similar and share a common goal of learning and doing something big in our lives. Our group activities enabled us to achieve so much together that I wouldn’t have expected, for instance we managed to do a group activity in 7 seconds which we struggled to complete in 9 minutes initially. The most prominent aspect of our international group is that there is a strong sense of respect and curiosity of learning towards other cultures.

As I work and learn with my class fellows, I am excited to discover more and more about them and develop a deeper understanding of different cultures. I am thrilled to have joined the MBA program and looking forward to a great learning experience.

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