A doctoral student visits Chicago
Doctoral Programme / 22. September 2015
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Doctoral Student at Frankfurt School
Elisabeth Kläs is a Doctoral Student at Frankfurt School’s Accounting Department. Her research focuses on the capital market effects of corporate disclosures and the role of enforcement mechanisms.


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American Accounting Association

This summer I had the opportunity to present one of my current PhD projects at the Annual Meeting 2015 of the American Accounting Association in Chicago. The great thing about conference visits is that you can build up and enlarge your academic network. While I got to know a lot of new and interesting people, I also saw colleagues that I have met previously at other conferences or workshops. In addition, I received valuable feedback on my project, which allows me further enhance my work, and attended a number of interesting research presentations and plenary sessions. Conferences offer a good opportunity to learn more about emerging issues and new trends in your field of interest. For example, I attended presentations on gender issues – a topic that I had previously not thought about much in the context of accounting. Participating at the conference was a great experience. I am currently working on my single-authored paper and the submission deadline for next year’s Annual Meeting is a motivation for me to have the first working paper draft ready by then.

Being a doctoral student at Frankfurt School

Frankfurt School actively encourages doctoral students to participate at international conferences. The doctoral program consists of two stages: In the first stage you must complete several courses, which provide you with the basic toolbox to successfully work on your research projects. For example, I attended – among others – courses on financial economics under imperfect information, empirical accounting research and econometrics. While not yet implemented, the first stage will soon offer you the opportunity to obtain a Master’s degree. In the second stage the work on your research projects begins. During this stage you will have the opportunity to visit conferences in order to obtain feedback on your projects and build up your own academic network.

Learn more about the PhD Accounting Conventration.

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