Resilient Recovery: World Bank President David Malpass at FS
Student Initiatives / 8. Oktober 2020
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BSc in Business Administration Class of 2023
Leona Arold was born and raised in Frankfurt and studies in the Bachelor of Business Administration with the specialization of Management, Philosophy and Economics in cooperation with flatexDEGRIO AG. Besides her studies, she engages actively at Frankfurt School as an active member of FS Economy and Politics, FS Real Estate and FS Sustainability.


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On October 5th 2020, we had the honour to welcome David Malpass, President of the World Bank and Dr. Jens Weidmann, President of the Bundesbank, virtually at Frankfurt School. The purpose of the event was to discuss the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people and the challenge of building a resilient and inclusive global recovery.

As every autumn in Frankfurt, it was getting cooler and there was a continuous rain. That day however, there was a little bit of sunshine though as we heard the friendly voice of our moderator from Trinidad and Tobago. Ms. Asiya Mohammed, the founder and CEO of Conflict Women, Ltd. and a Frankfurt School Alum was sharing Caribbean rays of sunshine through her smile and warm words, while we made the last preparations. We took our places behind the scenes of the studio set up in the AI-Lab.

Mr. Malpass and Dr. Weidmann joined the Zoom session. Seeing two world leaders greet each other with warm words like old friends, gave me a better feeling in this crazy world. I was keen to hear what they had to say about the topic which has captured our attention over the last months. Together with Mr. Malpass, Dr. Weidmann, and Professor Stieglitz we were trying to better understand the impact of the crisis, especially on lesser-developed countries. Most importantly though we had come together to talk about innovative solutions and to set the stage for the World Bank Groups Annual Meeting, starting on October 12th.

Dr. Weidmann opened with a reference to a statement by Mr. Malpass.

“As everyone here knows, addressing inequalities and realizing an inclusive and sustainable world requires jobs, education, healthcare, attention to the environment, and robust commerce – trade among neighbors and nations.”

Dr. Weidmann talked about jobs, education and environmentalism. He stressed the lifeliong disadvantage many people, who have missed months of education, might now have.

Mr. Malpass set the focus of his speech on health systems, education systems, and excessive debt. He describes the alarming rise of poverty and the threat it poses to social and political stability, especially to democracy. For me, the most striking aspect of his speech was the approach to the debt crisis. The excessive debt that countries face now will lead to never ending inequality. The people of the world’s poorest countries will have to pay their government’s debts as long as the creditors pursue claims. A “modern equivalent of debtor’s prison“ is created through inhumane financial behavior such as acquiring debt claims on secondary markets.

Mr. Malpass highlighted how the World Bank plans to reach extensive debt relief:

  • a full moratorium of debts,
  • full transparency of the terms of existing and new debt and debt-like commitments
  • careful analysis through the transparency of the long-term debt sustainability
  • a reduction of the stock of debt for the poorest countries

Mr. Malpass stressed the need for greater international cooperation and collective responsibility. Covid-19 also made change more rapid. Trends that were prominent before came about in a faster manner than anyone ever imagined. Only in chaos, new things can be created. I hope we, as a society, see what we have and what we want and seize the opportunities the disruption of Covid 19 has given us. I can’t wait to one day meet Malpass, Weidmann and Mohammed in person to have longer and more detailed discussions with them.

I am reminded that I study with people just like them. Those who will be the leaders of tomorrow and maybe I am even one of them.

Embrace the change.

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