Studying in Frankfurt: the German 'Mainhattan'
Bachelor / 15. November 2022
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Working Student
Javier is a working student and assists in the admission office at Frankfurt School. He is also the contact person for Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts. He has been living in Frankfurt for 2 years, where he decided to continue with his academic career after spending a year in Mainz as an Erasmus student from Spain.


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Starting a new phase can sound extremely exciting. Especially if it is to create new academic challenges. It is for this reason and many more to ask ourselves the question: did I make the right choice? Is my new university and Bachelor programme the right one? But it is also important to know if the city where I am about to move to is where I should be. And maybe the most important of it all: Will I fit in? No worries, you will.

Besides, we cannot deny that we also want to experience personal growth with our professional growth. We all want a triumphal entry and a start with tens across the board. I can already tell in advance that Frankfurt is that little world with a bit of everything for everyone. Frankfurt is the place to be!

Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof! I only understand train station?

For many, a new city implies a new language. “Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof”, a German saying that means, “I don’t get a single word you just said”. This will surely be a day of many for you, but do not panic. Frankfurt, as the financial capital of Germany and Europe, offers good alternatives and possibilities to live fully in English. However, taking the initiative to immerse yourself in the wonderful world of the German language is always welcome, and it will give you prestige.

No one is safe from the strict German bureaucracy, another kind of meta-language that even Germans don’t understand. We have grown up hearing, “don’t put off until tomorrow what you can accomplish today”. In Germany, it would be rather for yesterday. Many new concepts will be part of your day to day: “Anmeldung”, “Ummeldung”, “Ein Konto eröffnen” and the most common will undoubtedly be “Ausländerbehörde”.

From Frankfurt School, there will always be someone who can listen to you and lend you a hand, either through the Buddy programme, the international office or our admission office. You are also able to start learning German with the free courses offered by the university.

With the RMV-Ticket through Hesse and more

One of the most pleasant surprises at the beginning of my life as a student in Germany was, undoubtedly, the semester ticket. This not only offers you the possibility of getting on the local public transportation in Frankfurt, but also a wide area of Hesse, and even neighbouring federal states. Thanks to this, you can discover places with a lot of charm.

As the Germans would say, “Es lohnt sich” or ‘it is worth it’. As a student, you can enjoy special discounts in many places of leisure, such as museums, cinemas, and even services, such as gyms. So, start using this possibility from the first day, but remember to always carry your student card with you. Every time you go somewhere, don’t forget to mention it, who knows, maybe you’ll get a discount.

The two Germanys

After a while of living in this city, you will be able to notice that in Germany, there is a clear division, there are two Germanys, summer Germany and winter Germany. Two completely opposite worlds, but both with a unique charm.

During winter Germany, Christmas markets are one of the most expected events for each person in the country. They are places with special magic where everything is about being together, enduring the cold with a hot drink on the hand and sharing with others. In addition, it is a good time to visit small towns and cities known for being places where the Grimm brothers passed by and thus lived this fairy tale experience. The best of it is that many of them are not far away from Frankfurt.

Finally, the long-awaited summer, also known as the festival season, has arrived. If you put any word in front of festival, you have surely guessed right with the name of some festival. Only in Frankfurt and surroundings, there is a wide offer and one for every taste. But undoubtedly the most emblematic is the “Museumuferfest”, put it on your calendar! This is the perfect example of a bit of everything for everyone.

As you can see, we are in a place where you will have access to endless possibilities. Indeed, you will need the weekends.

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