Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice!!
FS Life / 10. November 2016
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MBA class of 2017
Shwetha is originally from India and joined our Full-time MBA Class of 2017.


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-Leadership Camp MBA 2016-

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
– Robert Frost


I was just 3 days old to Germany, coming from India …miles away from home, mom, brother, friends, work, stable comfortable life and most importantly food!

On the opening day of the Full-time and Part-time MBA 2016 in just a few hours, I met people from at least 8 to 10 nationalities. Different nations, languages, work experiences, industries- excellent mix of diversity. The next day, all of us were taken into the woods by a bus to the leadership boot camp.

Until we reached the beautiful Stromberg!! Of course, the ride to the resort was a feast to the eyes.

The Rhine, the Autobahn and tiny village dwellings (the sheep were super cute).


Day 1

We underwent a series of workshops and activities that made us realize how diverse we are and it was a very effective way of bonding.

Understanding human behaviours and how people from different nations approach and solve problems was a key takeaway. It was a test of flexibility in the likes of accepting different people and cultures. A test of how adaptable you are to situations and surroundings.


End of the day a summary was prepared on what leadership means.

We concluded the first day with dinner and drinks. Prof. Lochel was kind enough to help the poor Indian vegetarian girl in finding her vegetables in the elaborate buffet spread.

Some of us retired to our rooms, tired and almost dead.

While the rest of us blessed with super human hormones continued the party until the next day 😉


Day 2

It was about learning to work with not just our own group but to learn to achieve a target together as a class – Work as a team and cooperate rather than competing with each other. After all ‘TEAM’ does not have an ‘I’ in it.


So it was time to go back home. End of the camp. But there was something different about us. (Yes the 2 days were crazy) Something had changed in us. Perspectives? Behaviour?

The leadership camp taught me that at the end of the day, it is not about being better than someone or being the best perhaps – but more importantly, climbing up the ladder, enabling and helping other people climb with you as well. Cooperation before competition :-).


The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
– Robert Frost

1 Kommentare



12 November, 2016

nicely crafted whole story.. happy to see you getting lost in great diversity? All the best and Take care.