One more last step: The Masters of International Business Interview - All you need to know
Master of International Business / 11. Juli 2016
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Master in International Business Class of 2017
I strive, endure and learn to make a difference. MIB class of 2017


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A popping email on my inbox congratulated me on my successful application for the 2017 MIB intake. The email also includes an invitation for an assessment test and an interview on a date that I felt free to postpone.

A rush of excitements followed, while preparing for all that; and they were overwhelming.


Before I prepared, I made sure to familiarize myself with common interview questions. These were:

  • How did I know about the program?
  • Why did I choose Frankfurt School?
  • Why MIB?
  • Am I a fit for the program?
  • Where do I see myself in the future?
  • Do I have any questions?

These questions established a structure for my preparation.


In preparation, I was told many times before the interview to just “be yourself” and I will be fine. Yes, being yourself lies at the heart of a successful interview, but it is solely not the key for admission. Therefore, indeed, I had to structure my preparation while leaving room for improvisation.

Here is what I considered beside being myself:

  1. I made myself familiar with the program and my application. This allowed me to perfectly align my application with what I was saying, while clearly stating my reasons in joining in the first place.
  2. I read various Frankfurt School blogs by students, lecturers and administers (Probably like you are reading this right now). This widened my scope in getting to know Frankfurt School and MIB more.
  3. I approached past MIB students that I met in one of the Masters Days, and did ask about their own perspectives, pros and cons, and so on. This helped me identify MIB from the trenches. I additionally got to know how valuable an international presence is for such a program. There I made sure to list and highlight my international background.
  4. Given that the interview was set for an hour, I highlighted my most valuable achievements and disappointments, I pointed out challenges and how I overcame them. This allowed me to become efficient in narrowing down worth mentioning qualities in such a given a time.

The attitude

  • I made sure to look smart, and yes I did not wear a suit!
  • Being on time
  • I had my phone on silent
  • I made sure not to repeat myself
  • I took the interview seriously
  • Interviewer was comfortable, didn’t find a reason to panic
  • And I made sure to pull off a smile!

The interview

The interview was for 45 mins to an hour. It consisted of an introduction, common interview questions like the above mentioned, couple of ethical dilemma questions, and general knowledge questions (in regards of international economic and social affairs)

In the introduction I tried to make use of PPF. The acronyms PPF that stands for Present-Past-Future, helped me maintain a proper first impression in featuring such an organized and a sequential introduction. First I started with the present—where I am right now. Then, segue into the past—a little bit about the experiences I have had. Finally, finished with the future—why I am really excited for this particular program. This already answers couple of questions while breaking some ice for further related personal and professional questions.

As for the rest of the ethical dilemma questions, where I was being put in certain – corporate and ethical related – situations, I made sure to spontaneously imagine myself in such situations and answer.


The Masters of International Business is a very unique program, who’s course modules features courses that vary within the realm of social responsibility and impact development. The program also shares the very unique regional specialization; where one gets the chance to choose from either East Asia, Africa or Latin America as a specialization. Further, knowing that those courses are being lectured by renowned professors, who’s their demonstration is derived from field work, in developing countries and from global institutions, was clearly of a major impetus in deciding to join MIB. That being said, the program in return self-reflects with very unique and diverse students. Thus, don’t bother whether you studied linguistics or philosophy before; don’t bother about the lack of your past professional experiences. Because all the interviewer wants to know is if that you are a fit for the program, and the core idea for your fitness lies in your keenness for a sustained future while encouraged to understand today’s global challenges and the mechanics of making impacts and responsible businesses across the globe. My interview centered much around the aforementioned qualities. While I prepared, I yet remained myself.

Good luck to you – future MIB!

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