What is it like to study abroad in Australia?
Bachelor in Business Administration / 15. Juni 2020
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BSc in Business Administration Class of 2022
Oana is studying the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration at Frankfurt School with focus on International Management.


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Right now there is a lot of time on our hands to think about where to go on our next semester abroad. No matter if the thought of choosing to go down under as your next study destination has crossed your mind or not, here is why you should choose Australia for your semester abroad and what to expect!

Courses and Learning Experience

UNSW (University of New South Wales) was my choice University for my spring semester abroad. Besides Sydney being the best destination choice from Australia and around the world, the University is ranked 49th in the global University rankings. UNSW’s public events include concert performances, open days and public forums on issues such as the environment, healthcare and global politics.

I experienced a high level of academic standards during my courses abroad. Some of them were offered exclusively online, which made studying easier as I could arrange my schedule as I saw fit. They have a high diversity in the number of faculties and specialisations, which makes it worth your time to try and study something out of your usual study area: it can be astronomy, film studies or negotiation skills.

Student Life

The most important part of studying abroad is knowledge exchange – meeting different cultures, learning new skills and having loads of fun! There are a lot of student societies to choose from. They can be business clubs, fun clubs and sports initiatives. They organise events centred around the quality of student life, helping students with the new adult responsibilities (managing a personal budget, drafting the right rental contract) and cultivating diverse hobbies and sport activities for students to diminish the stress from learning. Join them to make friends and connections that will potentially last you a lifetime and try out something new every week. It can be playing video games, dancing rock and roll or, most importantly, surfing ?

For drinks and partying you have the Roundhouse and the Whitehouse, two big houses on campus. The Roundhouse organises a party or concert every night, so you make the most out of your student life. Insider tip: keep in mind Whitehouse Wednesdays.

Should I plan for a lot of travelling?

YES! Australia has plenty of beautiful sights and activities to offer. When you are done studying or have a study break, take a train or hop in a car with your friends and drive around Sydney, see the magic of the Blue Mountains or follow the ocean roads north or south to discover endless beaches and playful dolphins. You can also catch a cheap flight to Tasmania or the charming West Coast. However, if you see kangaroos, please do not pet their tail – they will certainly take up the challenge and start boxing with you.

Plan for an adventurous journey – you will not be disappointed.

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