Why Innovators Need an Entry-Timing Strategy
Management / 11. August 2015
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Professor of Strategy
Ronald Klingebiel is Professor of Strategy at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management. He researches decision-making problems under uncertainty, particularly as regards resource allocation in innovation and strategy. You will find Ronald’s writing on technology strategy at HBR, Forbes, and The Conversation. He has also featured on the BBC, Guardian, Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Bloomberg, Le Monde, El Pais, Handelsblatt, and other media outlets.


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Firms can choose between becoming a pioneer or follower. Each choice has advantages and disadvantages. Pioneers occassionally reap blockbuster returns at the cost of frequent failure. Followers face lower risks but need to share the spoils. So it is not surprising that the two types of firms need to manage their innovation portfolios very differently.

Find out what kind of entry-timing strategy works, in my recent blog post at Harvard Business Review.

For more detail about the research, check the Strategic Management Journal.

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