FS Chess Goes to War!
FS Life / 24 February 2016
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Master of Finance Class of 2016
Leonardo was part of the MoF class of 2016

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If you are like most people, whenever you imagine a typical chess player, you probably think of a teenager wearing thick glasses, dental braces and a face full of acne. This imaginary person probably also has problems making friends due to their social awkwardness, and tends not to be the most popular person in your circle of friends. However, on the brighter side of things, you would also likely say that this person tends to be smart and good in math. Did I guess it right?

I am sorry I have to be the one to say it, but here it is: “You are wrong!” Right now you must be thinking: “Oh no! How am I going to be able to live with myself after making such a grotesque mistake?”

Did you ever think that chess players can be real dangerous people? I bet you didn’t! They can gather in groups to find a way to attack you when you are least expecting it. They can also sit quietly at home waiting for you to pass by and cold-heartedly shoot you in the back.

I’m taking about Laser tag! What were you thinking?? Ok, let me give you a second so you can breathe in sigh of relief before we finally get serious here (sort of). Ok, feeling better?
FS Chess Laser Tag
I was just so excited to tell you that we gathered a group of FS Chess members for 5 intense hours of Laser Tag and Pizzas last week to celebrate another successful semester.

Here are a few things we accomplished last semester:- We organized our first two internal tournaments, won by Benjamin Liang and Olga Nikishaeva. We noticed FS Students love the heat of battle, so we will be doing much more of them this semester.

– We organized our first two internal tournaments, won by Benjamin Liang and Olga Nikishaeva. We noticed FS Students love the heat of battle, so we will be doing much more of them this semester.

– We were able to teach chess to some students who did not know how to play the game and hopefully got them to become enthusiastic about the breadth of possibilities and creative ideas that that chess provides.

– We started doing tactics training to improve everyone’s tactical vision.

– We purchased 10 brand new chess clocks (I can almost hear the Bughouse lovers screaming in excitement!)

On that note, I have to say that we are all really thrilled about the start of the next semester for FS Chess. We hope we can gather a good group of great and exciting people to have some fun and learn something about chess along the way.
FS Chess2
Now, if you are one of those who think chess is a waste of time, I have to say you are wrong again! If you are thinking: “I am dedicating precious minutes of my day to read a blogpost in which a guy tells me I am wrong? Twice?” Well, the good news (for me) is that you are still reading! So keep reading, you are almost finished!
In any case, it turns out that chess is a great tool to help us analyze and understand real world problems. Its complexity is best demonstrated by number of possible positions in a game, 10^120  , which happens to be larger than the number of atoms in the universe. The controlled environment in which a chess game is played (an 8×8 board), allows for some great exploration of these almost infinite possibilities.

At FS Chess, we try to improve by analyzing chess puzzles, working on tactics problems, analyzing middle game and endgame positions. While we do that, we enjoy a very relaxed and friendly atmosphere, in which some hard-fought blitz battles take place every Tuesday evening from 20:00 until 22:00 at Frankfurt School (notice that this date may change over time, so please contact us for more formation).

For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself directly at or Philipp Kelbling at, if you want to stay up-to-date with what is going on at FS Chess, request to join our Facebook group.

