Building Soft Skills and Self-awareness: KODE Coaching
Full-time MBA / 29 January 2020
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Full-time MBA Class of 2020
George is currently studying in the full-time MBA programme at Frankfurt School. Before entering FS he worked as a civil and structural engineer for airports, skyscrapers and infrastructure projects in London UK. Most recently he launched his own companies in tourism, construction, and real estate in Greece and is looking to expand his businesses.

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At the start of my Full-time MBA programme, I was asked to fill in a simple questionnaire that would be used later for my KODE coaching session. I enjoy completing questionnaires and hence this captured my attention right away. In early November, I attended my KODE session at Frankfurt School. KODE stands for Kompetenz-Diagnostik und Entwicklung (Competence, Diagnostics, and Development). According to its philosophy, it’s a self-check and development procedure.

KODE Session Overview

During the one and a half-hour session, my personal professional coach, Ms. Gloria Alvaro, presented me the results of the initial assessment – of the survey I had filled in. I have to say that I was impressed, not only by the accuracy of the results but also by the breadth and depth of the report. She showed me a map of my individual competences, both under normal and difficult situations. We then confidentially discussed my professional and personal life, skills, and capabilities, focusing more on soft skills. Afterall, KODE coaching is all about understanding more about yourself, your strength and your weaknesses.

Learning how to leverage your soft skills is key when it comes to networking and searching for your next career step. And this is one of the most important lessons I am taking out of my MBA at Frankfurt School so far– realizing my full potential and utilizing my strengths to reach this and accomplish what I really want. Lastly, we created an action plan for me to work on, in order to develop the competencies that I need, which will bring me closer to my goals. The second session takes place in the second semester, after the Christmas break when we will reflect on my action plan and my first session’s results.

Key Take-away’s

Take advantage of what is being offered. I really enjoyed and took advantage of my coaching session. Leaving the session, I know which areas of my personality and competencies to focus on and what to do to overcome specific obstacles.

Why do I believe that the KODE sessions are important? Because they raise your self-awareness level, and this strengthens your confidence and soft skills, with which you can interact with other people more efficiently. Networking abilities then also develop naturally, and you become more effective as a person. They are our most valuable skills to have; in both our personal and professional life.

I have found an opportunity to combine my KODE Coaching with the rest of the Skills Courses that we are offered during the programme and further reinforce my skillset. The MBA is not only about corporations, their finances, global economies, and firms’ strategies; it is also – and most importantly – about YOU. As a result, I urge everyone to make the most out of the KODE Coaching sessions and the Career Development Skills courses that the School has to offer.

