Office Tour: Clark - FS LightUp goes InsureTech
Student Initiatives / 5. Dezember 2016
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BSc in Management, Philosophy & Economics Class of 2012
Hello! I am currently enrolled in the Bachelor programm "Management, Philosophy and Economics" and finishing up my last semester at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. I am a member of the entrepreneurial student initiative FS LightUp. Mostly, I wirte about events that took place in the realm of our initiative.


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After the InsureTech start-up Clark had their „From Student to Entrepreneur to VC“ speaker event a couple of weeks ago, they invited FS LightUp to their headquarters in Frankfurt for an office tour and get-together. The Q&A session at the speaker event had been lengthy, so the interest from the student side was obvious.

Rightfully so:
Insurance is a big mess, and we can help there„, said CEO Dr. Christoper Oster, to start the event. With the emergence of the internet and smartphones, consumer behavior shifted to make use of the offered convenience. Most recently this trend unveils itself in e-Commerce and FinTech. It is only a question of time until all pre-internet business models have to reproach the drawing board and think about the impact of the technological innovations and implications. Clark aims to fill this very gap – Clark is your personal, „artificially intelligent“ insurance broker, who can always and immediately assist you with choosing superior insurance products.

Since we, FS LightUp, have started our journey, we have gained insights which apply here: As Christian Lindner recommended, a tech-company MUST have a tech-guy in the founding team. However, Clark is not only a tech-company, but a InsureTech-company. With Steffen Glomb as CTO and Dr. Marco Adelt as COO, the founding team satisfies both demands. Steffen representing the IT and algorithm-programming and Marco being the insurance expert analyzing insurance products and feeding the algorithm the data. Clark internalizes the core-competence and hence functions efficiently.

The last bridge that needs to be gapped in the newly born InsureTech might be the most important one: Trust. Even students at the event voiced concerns about the required doodle of a signature on their smartphone screen – a legal requirement for Clark to become the insurance broker. Clark completes the founding team with Chris Lodde, Chief Marketing Officer, who specializes in conveying trustfulness and transparency.

With the Clark office tour, we successfully conclude the round of office tours in 2016. In our experience, groups of 15-25 people are a good lot to maximize the exposure to students, while maintaining the personal and non-chalant atmosphere.

FS LightUp wants to thank all the students, entrepreneurs and VCs who participated in the events and made the last half of 2016 such a blast. Stay tuned by following us on Instagram (@FS-LightUp) and visiting our website – we have big goals for 2017 and want YOU to be part of it.



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