Capital Markets, Asset Management & International Business at LBBW
Career Services / 14. Oktober 2019
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Master of Finance Class of 2017
Timo Becker is a Frankfurt School Graduate and holds a M.Sc. in Finance. He joined LBBWs Financial Markets division in October 2018 as Graduate Trainee and will be permanently based in their Singapore Branch from November 2019 onwards.”


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As a Frankfurt School Graduate, I feel happy to take this opportunity to share my experiences regarding the Trainee Program at Landesbank Baden-Württemberg.

One year has already passed since I have joined LBBW and I am extremely happy with my decision. Personally, I have chosen the Financial Markets, International Business and Asset Management Trainee Program. Since LBBW may not appear as a bank with a significant capital markets or international business to you, I would like to clear up with this prejudice.

LBBW operates a very client centric and holistic investment banking approach in order to serve SMEs, Large Corporates, Banks, SSAs and institutional clients and holds market-leading positions. The bank is particularly strong in the Debt Capital Markets space and ranked first in the market for Schuldscheindarlehen (SSD). In the primary issuance of Covered Bonds for Financial Institutions, LBBW is persistently among the top investment banks in the world and is flanked by a highly dedicated Fixed Income Sales team.  Another strong pillar within the capital markets division is the FICC (Fixed Income, Currency & Commodities) business where the bank received the extraordinary distinction as “Flow Market Maker of the Year” for EUR-Swaps. Furthermore, LBBW has a US real estate footprint. In terms of International Business, the bank operates branches and representative offices all over the world and follows a hub approach. The hubs are located in New York, London and Singapore. Apart from that, the bank has branches and representative offices in Seoul, Shanghai, Jakarta and Toronto. In the financial markets program you will do at least one foreign assignment to one of the mentioned locations.

The trainee program puts you in the position to explore the dynamic environment of capital markets from all points of view and enables you to mesh your knowledge from you Master program, internships and previous activities. During the program, you will have a personal mentor who holds a major senior management position within the bank. Furthermore, you will get a personal sponsor who is a division manager. Every three months you will be invited to attend the Financial Markets Board meeting, where our responsible Board Member and all division managers of our business division will attend. The bank is extremely committed to enable graduates to gain the right skills as well as to build an extraordinary network to start off your career in the bank.

In addition to the above-mentioned opportunities within our business division, the bank gives you the opportunity to get an overview of adjacent departments such as Risk Management, Corporate Finance, Corporate Banking, Corporate Debt Origination / Syndication, Back Office Financial Markets as well as into corporate functions.

The program currently has two intakes (April & October) and the application window for our April-intake will start in November. As a Frankfurt School graduate, I would be happy to answer all the questions you may have. Please be aware of the fact that our corporate language is German and therefore professional language skills besides a bachelor and/or a master degree are a hard requirement.

Meet LBBW and other companies at the FS Career Day!

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