The Future Is Now: Nestlé invites FS to their Digital Innovation Tour
Career Services / 26. Mai 2017
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Master in Management Class of 2018
Master in Management Student, Class of 2018


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The Frankfurt School Career Services are exceptional in that they organize company events, discussions and visits; maintaining and building relationships between students and corporate connections.

I attended the Nestlé Digital Innovation Tour  “The future is now” event, where Nestlé discussed their approach to digital transformation. As a Digital Business concentration student, I was particularly excited! The event took place at the Nestlé Competence Center and the Manager of Business Development, Nestlé Germany provided us with an interactive tour.

As „health“ was the most googled word in March 2017, which is almost no surprise given that bloggers and social media personalities have a great influence on this, Nestle discussed their digital transformation of the kitchen, the restaurant, and the supermarket of the future; why these changes are necessary and what they plan to do to get there.

This insightful company visit exposed us to digital transformation ranging from drive-thru supermarkets to intelligent fridges that will remind you of expiry dates, what you are running low on and even give recipe suggestions!

We had the opportunity to present our ideas on digital transformation to the manager of Business Development, who then gave us feedback on our strategies, leaving us with ideas that we could put into practice in class.

An ongoing stream of contacts, the opportunity to learn outside of the classroom and receiving feedback from experienced professionals are what makes studying the Master in Management at Frankfurt School so enriching. We really are left with knowledge to take into the future.

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