Master in Management: Digital Business, Technology & Operations Concentration
Master in Management / 16. Februar 2021
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Programme Manager, Master in Management and Master of Finance
Aika holds degrees in international relations and public policy, before joining FS she worked at SDA Bocconi and Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. She is now the Programme Manager for the MiM and MoF at Frankfurt School.


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Importance of digitalisation has become prevalent as never before not only forcing businesses to transform and innovate but also affecting our everyday lives due to the uncertainties we are facing. The digitalisation process of businesses is closely tied to technology and operations in many ways. Businesses have to react to constant changes and demands due to technological disruption. It is utmost important for businesses to become digital at the core rather than just transforming their processes or services. In this digital transformation process, making day-to-day operations more efficient with the use of modern technology results in more sustainable, competitive and successful businesses. Therefore, Frankfurt School’s Master in Management programme offers the Digital Business, Technology & Operations (DBTO) concentration to prepare capable and tech-savvy operations or supply chain managers, business analysts or competent business leaders and managers with cutting-edge skill-sets.

The concentration consists of six modules:

  • Information Systems
  • Designing Resilient Supply Chains
  • Digital Innovation
  • Digital Transformation
  • Digital Operations & Industry 4.0
  • Digital Marketing

Focus of the courses

Information Systems module focuses on evaluation of potential of IT, based on the knowledge about different types of information technology and information systems such as designing a firm’s IT strategy, IT governance, and IT architecture. The Designing Resilient Supply Chains module equips students with a framework on how to structure supply chains to deal with increasing uncertainties in the market place. The framework will help students explain past successes (say, Netflix and Amazon) and failures (say, Blockbuster and Borders) and most importantly, predict the economic viability of new models that are constantly evolving.

Digital Innovation provides a thorough insight into the particularities of Innovation Management approaches when it comes to Digital Innovation. This allows the students to discover not only the nature of digital technology but also its potential and how this affects business models going forward. Students will participate in several digital technology workshops, where they are given opportunities to play with digital technologies such as Cozmo, the robot, and where they get insights into design thinking and other innovation methodologies.

To explore and manage both adoption (the theories that drive individuals to use digital technology in their everyday lives) and diffusion (the way in which digital innovations are successfully pushed into the market) is focused on in the Digital Transformation module. In workshops, students will gain first-hand experience with agile methodologies. Analysing state-of-the art case studies, they will get an understanding for the complexities of a holistic transformation of a firm’s business and for the technical, organizational, and social success factors of running such a transformation initiative.

Opportunities offered through the DBTO concentration

The courses further integrate company projects in partnership with PwC, McKinsey, Capco, Commerzbank, Arthur D. Little, and VW Consulting, among others, allowing hands-on practical experience of learning. As a future manager to lead and transform businesses or organisations it is crucial to specialise in this field to learn how to proactively rethink and reshape businesses through the opportunities offered in the concentration. Graduates who specialise in this field will be able to contribute to the digitalisation processes in wide range of industries including Digital Business Consultancy or Development, Digital Strategy and Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Consulting or General Management.

If you want to specialise in today’s indispensable digitalised technologies & operations and proactively rethink and reshape businesses through digital transformation, the Digital Business, Technology & Operations concentration is for you.

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