Flow Traders - Up for a challenge?
Career Services / 5. Oktober 2016
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Trader at Flow Traders
After completing his Bachelor of Banking and Finance and Master of Quantitative Asset and Risk Management in Vienna. Georg joined Flow Traders in 2015.


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“At the end of the trading day, you make a summary of everything that has happened and hopefully go home with a big smile on your face!”


Up for a challenge? Do you see yourself as part of our young, dynamic and dedicated team? Ready to give it your all and learn the tricks of the trading industry?

Flow Traders is a principal trading firm and one of the world’s largest liquidity providers in Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). Our demanding, sophisticated work continuously puts us to the test. We wouldn’t have it any other way. We. Love. This. Job.

Our highly motivated people hold the key to our success.

Let’s meet one of them!

georgPersonal Details

Name: Georg Bartel
Date of Birth: 10 February 1989
Place of Birth: Berlin, Germany


Bachelor of Banking and Finance. University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna.
Master of Quantitative Asset and Risk Management. University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna.

How did you become a Flow Trader?

Flow Traders was looking for someone who was specialized in fixed income derivatives. They found me through my network. People know each other in the trading business, it is a small world.

Was it easy for you to settle in Amsterdam?

Surprisingly easy actually! Flow Traders proved to be very supportive during the process of moving to Amsterdam. At the office, I got to know a lot of people in a short period of time. They made it very easy for me to fit in.

How long have you been part of the team?

I came here in December 2015, so about ten months.

What makes Flow Traders unique?

The dynamics at Flow Traders are different from a bank for example. Various processes will be running at the same time and it will all be done a high pace. At a bank, things take more time. Meetings take longer, for example. But over here, everything needs to be done instantly. Next to that, Flow Traders is a very young company with lots of hungry people. That is something you do not see in a large bank either, where the average age lies at least ten years higher.

Describe a typical working day

flow-receptieFirst, you learn more about the latest news; about recent figures, new features and current issues. At this point, you are preparing for the upcoming trading day, so your EFT pricing needs to be accurate. Throughout the day you stay focused; you question everything and predict where and when others might mess up. At the end of the trading day, you make a summary of everything that has happened and hopefully go home with a big smile on your face.


What message would you write on a postcard home?

I would write that it feels very comfortable living in Amsterdam. The city has made a great impression on me. I would tell that I am trying to adapt to city life and that I have been riding a bike a lot since I moved here. I have started to learn Dutch too, which is quite fun. Flow Traders of
fered a basic Dutch course as soon as I started working here; something that is both enjoyable and useful.

How is your Dutch? What is your favorite word?

Most of the words that I have learned up till now are football-related. I watch a lot of football and the commentators are all speaking Dutch. Therefore, I would choose something like ‘combinatie’.

Do you see yourself as part of a young, dynamic and dedicated team? Ready to give it your all and learn the tricks of the trading industry? Then we might be looking for you! Get in touch with Floor de Wit:

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