The Master of Science in Management: Frankfurt School’s perspective
Master in Management / 26 February 2015
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Professor of Operations Strategy

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In 2012, Frankfurt School started a new Master program: The Master of Science in Management (MiM). The idea was to offer a process-oriented master program for future managers. As academic director of the program I was happy to welcome 24 students. We started with two concentrations in banking and manufacturing.

Today, the MiM has established itself as an important program and it has become a center piece of Frankfurt School’s educational offerings. The MiM’s students come from all over the world. So far, we’ve welcomed students from European countries such as Italy, Spain, Poland, Hungary, France just to name a few. Other students from China, India, Russia, Thailand, USA, Canada, etc. join this master program. Our students have a bachelor degree from different fields, for example business administration, computer science, international business, engineering, economics, information & communications engineering, environment & resource management, computer engineering, and many others. The key characteristic is that they have an analytical background. Besides Frankfurt School our students come from other well-known universities such as Mailand’s Bucconi, WU Wien but also from other German universities like Mannheim, Cologne, Hamburg, Munster, or Munich.
During their study the majority of students are able to work part-time due to our three-day-model. Part-time positions are offered by industrial companies such as Norma Group, Continental, Nemak, IBM, consultancies like BoozAllenHamilton and TowersWatson, or financial institutes such as Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, KfW or the European Central Bank. Our students also work for logistics companies such as Lufthansa. Besides working part-time the students make plant visits and attend talks by well-experienced practitioners, in addition to the lectures given by our professors.

After the graduation ceremony at Frankfurt’s Paulskirche, our new alumni start working immediately. Since Frankfurt School has established as one of the best business schools in Germany, our graduates have no problems finding attractive, permanent positions. Examples would be positions in the areas of lean management, supply chain management, etc. Respective companies are GoodyearDunlop, Deutsche Bahn, Lufthansa, Daimler, Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, just to name a few.

Currently, the Master of Science in Management is comprised of about 50 students from all over the world. Next year, the program will offer a new concentration in Digital Business in addition to the current concentrations in Banking, Manufacturing, and Strategy and Organization.

In a nutshell, it can be stated that the MiM is a great success and will continue to grow into the future!!

