Career Day 2018 through the eyes of a first semester Bachelor student
Bachelor / 7 December 2018
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Master in Management Class of 2023
Lea is a 4th-semester Master in Management student. She completed a bachelor’s degree at Frankfurt School prior to her master’s studies. For two consecutive years, she was head of FS Model United Nations and Co-Speaker of the Student Council for one year.

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Every year Frankfurt School hosts its own annual career fair: the “Career Day”. The event is exclusively for Frankfurt School students and organised by our Career Services.  For one evening, the ground and first floor transforms into a giant networking location. This year was the largest event to date, with over 100 companies introducing themselves to the student body with the aim of getting to know new potential employees. For us students it was the perfect opportunity to talk to recruiters and get to know the companies from a more personal perspective. This was also my first time attending the event!

The event is definitely interesting for all types of people because of the great variety of industrial companies and business enterprises. From Adidas, Fresenius to Nestle, Porsche to Daimler, McKinsey to Roland Berger, Blackrock, Rothschild, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, there were representatives from every sector.

The perfect chance to expand your network

Every company had their own booth and the recruiters were more than happy to answer questions regarding possible future internships, jobs for working students and entry positions. They distributed business cards, exchanged LinkedIn information and told us that we could contact them in case we should have further questions. Due to the fact that every student doing their Bachelor degree at Frankfurt School has to complete one mandatory internship abroad during their studies, the Career Day is the perfect opportunity to find out about the different positions companies offer.

Companies are highly interested in freshmens

For me, a first semester student who has never attended a career fair before, it was an eye opener. The companies know that most first semester students aren´t sure about which field of business they want to go in to and no one expects you to already have work experience. Before the Career Day I was told that most medium-sized enterprises are a great first step into the world of business. It’s not too hard to get a job as a working student at these types of companies and you will actually be able to apply your skills and expand your knowledge in the real world.

Good preparation is the key to your success

In advance, our Career Services provided us with guidelines explaining how the career fair works, how to prepare and how to dress on the day. It was very helpful, especially as it was my first time attending. In the end I can say that my first Career Day was a great opportunity to get to know all these companies and to get in touch with the recruiters. It even helped me to score an internship at a consultancy firm!

