Career Day: Finding the key to the corporate doors!
Career Services / 14 November 2017
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Master of Finance Class of 2019
Prateek is a Master of Finance Student at Frankfurt School.

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Frankfurt School Career Day – my journey from applicant to representative

85 top-notch companies came together with Frankfurt School students, full with enthusiasm and ready to network at the Career Day: The opportunity to engage with companies from different fields ranging from Banking, Finance, Information technology, and Operations.

Why is the FS Career Day different?
This isn’t just an opportunity to convert an internship or a full-time position, at the FS Career Day students can test their profile pitch and also become aware of the requirements of their dream companies. Furthermore, the opportunities to develop a productive network with company representatives, recruitment specialists and FS alumni are plentiful. A simple conversation with a representative gives a discerning picture of the company’s growth strategy and the opportunities that lie ahead. Understanding the market from a company representative’s perspective is as important as reading it through analyst blogs or news media.

How did you approach so many companies at just one event?
I didn’t. In fact, I approached selected companies and Career Services supported me in defining a strategy on how to approach them. It is mandatory that you are pro-active and do research on the attending companies so you can make a poignant and impressive pitch in either English or German. In return, the Career Services allocate bandwidth of their time to students on a one-to-one basis to provide valuable guidance.

What’s the best approach?  
The important point here is ‘conversation’. A conversation on the company can help you better understand the market position of the company and the relevant current affairs.  You become more aware of the organization with an insider view from the representatives compared to general online content.

It is paramount not to shoot for referrals or status updates on applied jobs rather use the opportunity by starting a conversation based on your research about the company. It is a good time to ask questions regarding your alignment with the company’s requirement:
How well can your skills be leveraged in a particular division of the company?
– What can you do to boost your chances of getting an interview?
– What are the opportunities for growth within the company?
These questions intrigue the representatives as they too have come well prepared to better represent their brand.

Go to Career Day with the clear intention to learn more about the companies, the divisions, and your fit. Do not push yourself to convert an internship or a full-time position. It is more about building a relationship than to engage in a transient conversation. So, look sharp, be confident, prepare, and remember, there are goodies to sweeten your efforts!


