Separated by Nationalities, united by the Outdoor Campus!
Masters / 6 September 2017
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Master of Finance Class of 2019
Prateek is a Master of Finance Student at Frankfurt School.

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Send me into the wilderness, give me awesome friends, plan the outing and I will have the best start to my studies.

Imagine a day into the woods, hiking with a team of people from different cultures of our world, shouting your team’s chant in unison and then coming back to an evening where you raise your beer bottles, dance to the music, enjoy a barbeque and sit beside a camp fire.

Sound good?

What if I told you that your institution can make this happen before your classes even start?

Ah yes! Frankfurt School plans the nitty-gritty of the two most awesome days before your Master’s starts – The Outdoor Campus – an opportunity to mingle and party with your dynamic and diverse classmates.

The Frankfurt School ecosystem is extremely diverse with people coming from different parts of the world, bringing their own set of experiences and expertise. To get the best of such network, the school provides you with the right platform to engage with your fellow classmates.

Why is the Outdoor Campus valuable?  

(1)    Networking through adventure: The activities bring you and the other Master’s students together, uplifts team spirit through adventurous tasks and pushes you to think strategically to find, not the only solution, but the best solution.

(2)     Internationals become locals: Outdoor Campus erases the International boundaries. Diversity is important and FS ensures that internationals have every opportunity to cherish the German culture and other nationalities. Through the tasks and party in the evening, not only will you learn new words in different languages but also make new friends, starting yours FS journey with a smile on your face and a beer in your hand. These two days will definitely upgrade your social skills.

(3)    Establish yourself in the FS community: The Outdoor Campus allows you to learn from your fellow classmates and friends about their experiences both personal and professional and in turn, motivates you to share your unique traits too.

What happens at the Outdoor Campus?

Ah! Glad you asked. A lot of fun and seriously, re-read fun.

Day 1:

(1)    You’ll be put into teams, create your team chant and reverberate it in unison to other teams, kicking off the Outdoor campus.

(2)    Networking activities starts, such as… I’ll leave this one to your imagination, I don’t want to ruin the fun.

(3)     After an exciting day of adventure and few coffee breaks, your Master’s class will begin preparing for the much-awaited evening party.

(4)    Bid the sun goodbye with beers, a barbeque, camp fire, music, and dancing. FS knows how to celebrate!

Day 2:

(1)    New teams are formed.

(2)    You continue to get to know each other through new activities.

(3)    The big final – You will love this part!

When you leave the Outdoor Campus and begin to head back to Frankfurt, you will realize that in just two days, you now have so many people to talk to with so many memories to share and a lot of laughter to exchange.

Cherish the Outdoor campus experience; your Master’s is coming!

FS Outdoor Campus


