FS MUN - Never ending beginnings
FS Life / 18 December 2015
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Master in International Business Class of 2017
I strive, endure and learn to make a difference. MIB class of 2017

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Whenever I realize that in four months from now I will be ending my trip to New York, my excitement stirs in me a mix of feelings. But what’s more exciting are beginnings. In fact, that’s where my excitement is vividly certain and is yet not easily contained.
Thanks to such an initiative that Frankfurt School endorses, students now have the chance to participate in Model United Nations in New York. I like all participants am gratified for being selected among many to attend the conference in New York. My gratitude further lies on the Bankakademie e.V. in making this happen by sponsoring me with a Delegate Scholarship.
The reason that I dearly appreciate such a chance is that, I know that many thousands if not millions like me strive to even get a decent education. Thus, am overwhelmed to be the only Yemeni student at FS who is yet despite all circumstances could lay a hand on such opportunities.

How did it all begin?

Remember we spoke about how exciting beginnings could be? Well my excitement had sparked since the first time I heard about the initiative by one MIB senior student during my orientation week in early September. Additionally, during the first sessions that were organized by FS MUN, followed by the workshop simulation in Wiesbaden; all in all amounting my vigor interest with that of being selected.
FS MUN Family

Where are we now?

Today we are on our fifth week of preparation. An introduction session followed by workshops, where we will be expanding our horizons in exploring Japan – as the country we will be representing – and its position in the UN, as well as our role as delegates in representing our assigned committees in preparing position papers regarding the addressed agendas that will be discussed in New York.

What happens next?

New York! Yes, New York happens next. The FS batch will bound in NY in late March. I personally can’t wait for my first US visit; not to mention visiting the UN and touring the city. On a serious note, I really look forward to address my ideas and articulate resolutions within the conference.
Oh wow! Looking back at where I was, where I am and where I will be is far beyond delirious. Fun, politics, sorrow, economics, action, global affairs, devotion, nations, discipline, diplomacy, ideas, terminologies, concepts, emotions all wrapped up in to one experience. A delegation that shares a vision in spite of the diverse programs, identities & backgrounds – That being said, I will be leaving the rest for your imagination.
And this is yet the beginning….

