Meet the new Student Council
Student Initiatives / 5 October 2020
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BSc in Business Administration Class of 2022
Cassandra is currently studying in Frankfurt School's Bachelor programme and resposible for the communications department at the FS Student Council.

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Representing the interests of hundreds of students towards Frankfurt School’s institutions, faculty and management is not always an easy task, but it is one that we as the Student Council, also referred to as StuCo, are excited about and gladly dedicate our time to. The StuCo at FS is the elected group of student representatives and consists of 9 members, all from different programs and backgrounds, who are responsible for different departments such as Speaker, Treasury, Projects and Events, Initiatives or Communications.


The StuCo consists of one Speaker and one Co-Speaker, two Treasury representatives, two Student Initiatives representatives, two Projects and Events representatives, and one Communications representative.

This year, the Speaker and Co-Speaker positions are held by Lynn Cunningham and Aurelia Auracher, respectively, who are both currently enrolled in the Master in Management program. Lynn has already been part of StuCo for the past three years and can, therefore, brings a lot of prior experience to our group. In general, the speakers are faced with a lot of challenging tasks and a large amount of responsibility, as they are in close communication and organize meetings with the management, the alumni association, FPS, students, and representatives from student initiatives. They also organize and lead the weekly StuCo meetings, as well as the bi-annual General Assemblies.

To strengthen the FS spirit and bring students from different programs as well as faculty and staff together, our Project and Events representatives are always working on organizing different events and parties with the aim of constantly making student life on campus even better. This year this position is held by Denise Reffelmann, a student from the Master in Management Program, and Julia Nagel, who is in her 2nd semester of the Bachelor Program. Some events organized by StuCo in the past were the Boatparty 2019, the “Gluehwein Abend”, semester opening parties as well as different events during the introduction week such as a pub crawl.

When it comes to communication with student initiatives and the approval of new ones, the Initiatives team is in charge. Our representatives of Initiatives are Johannes Hauenschild, 2nd semester Bachelor student, and Madhur Chadha, 6th semester Bachelor student. Together, they ensure effective communication between the heads of different student initiatives and also help them to cope with any difficulties that may arise.

The Initiatives team is always working closely together with the next department of the StuCo, which is the Treasury department. Treasury is responsible for the management and distribution of the StuCo funds, for example when it comes to financing projects from StuCo or student initiatives. The aim is always to provide as much value for the students as possible with the budget available. The representatives of this year’s Treasury department are Laura Pandolfi, an International Healthcare Management MBA student, and Mostafa Eid, a Master in Management student.

Last but not least, we have the Communications Department, managed by Cassandra Beyer, who is a student in the 2nd semester of the Bachelor program. Communications contains all things social media related, such as posting on the StuCo LinkedIn and Instagram profile, managing different Facebook groups, but also taking care of the StuCo newsletter.


Our goals for this year can be structured into three main areas: transparency, campus experience, and communication.

The first goal that we focus is on is providing as much as transparency to all students as much as we can. Therefore, we aim to provide clear and straight-forward insight about what the StuCo is working on, including updating all students on the results of the different meetings with FS Management. Recently the StuCo started sending our short summaries of meetings with FS Management, including our Jour Fixe with Prof. Stieglitz, Prof. Werner und Lisa Ronneburger. By doing so, we want to ensure a better understanding of the different roles at FS and the people in charge.

Another goal that we have is to improve the campus experience at FS. This includes many different projects such as more water fountains on campus, a football table more spaces to study, and eventually more silent study cubes. Considering the current circumstances and the closed campus, these projects might move to the next year.

If you have any ideas or suggestions, always feel free to contact us via or take the opportunity to voice them during the General Student Assembly, which is held every semester. Ultimately, our goal is to represent the student body and therefore we strive to make each voice heard.

