Tips for online interview success
Masters / 8 March 2024
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Admissions Manager
Ella is a Recruitment and Admissions Manager for the master's programmes at Frankfurt School. She is also a part-time master’s student of English literature at Goethe University.

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In today’s global and digital world, the traditional face-to-face interview has evolved into its virtual counterpart, requiring a new set of skills and strategies. As aspiring leaders in business and finance, mastering the art of the online interview means success in securing coveted positions in competitive industries as well as top higher education institutions like Frankfurt School. Here, we suggest ways you can present yourself as a top-notch candidate and ace your online interview with finesse and confidence.

Prep before the interview

It’s a great idea to run a test call with a friend or colleague. While platforms like Zoom and Teams can automatically check your audio and video quality, having someone else on the call can catch issues like poor lighting or distracting backgrounds. Adjust your surroundings so that you are clearly visible, and think about placing yourself in front of a neutral backdrop, avoiding distractions like giant posters or bad lighting.

Also, check for background noise, close windows, or use a headset to minimise interruptions. If you have roommates, give them a heads-up ahead of time so they can give you some peace and quiet during your interview.

Arrive promptly and look sharp

In fact, show up early. Even though you’ve checked your internet connection, etc., beforehand, it is always a good idea to be online at least 15 minutes ahead of your interview start time. This way, you can troubleshoot any pesky technical problems and make a great first impression in one go. Pro tip: hop into a business casual outfit like you would for an in-person interview.

Be authentic and in the moment

Some candidates are tempted to type up their introductions and pre-write responses to anticipated questions, then read them off the screen. When this happens, it is obvious to interviewers and doesn’t come off well. While we understand the appeal of simply listing off your accomplishments, it isn’t genuine and takes you out of the moment. We are looking for specific, detailed examples of the skills you have already presented in your CV.

You should treat the online interview just as you would an in-person interview, class discussions, or other scenarios which require you to think on your feet and expand upon the achievements in your application. Plus, your interviewer may ask unique questions you haven’t thought of before, and that is a great opportunity to show off your active listening and quick thinking.

Don’t panic

Relax – we already like you! That is why we invited you to the interview in the first place. During the interview itself, you can also remind yourself that it is okay if you forget an English word here or there or if a technical problem arises. These things happen, and your interviewer not only knows this but has probably experienced similar situations before. Don’t stress, and you will be able to stay patient and it will all work out okay.

Ask us a couple questions, too

The interview is, of course, your time to shine and demonstrate just what a great candidate you are – but it is also a chance for you to evaluate us. Does the university you are applying to have the opportunities and support you are looking for? What about extracurricular activities, student life and career service opportunities? Does it meet your expectations with regard to sustainability practices, diversity, and average salary post-graduation?

The interview is your perfect chance to get delve deeper into your expectations of the university and get answers about any concerns you have. Starting a master programme is a big deal, so it is worth it to find an institution that supports your own unique interests and career prospects.

