Why I decided to start an MBA during Corona time
MBA International Healthcare Management / 23 February 2021
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MBA International Healthcare Management Class of 2022
Marie-Rose is currently studying the MBA in International in Healthcare Management programme at Frankfurt School. She has over 15 years of professional experience in sales and strategic distribution management in various industries. Currently, she is employed at ZOETIS. Inc. and accomplished a degree in Sociology in France as well as a degree in Business Administration in Germany.

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After my degree in Business Administration in 2009, I was eager to complete it with an MBA. In 2010, I started my family planning and decided to postpone this project for a few months and focus on my family life and my full-time job.  Finally, I quickly found an ideal work-life balance and pursued my career starting a new role as International Sales Manager for the EMEA region in the Petcare Industry.

After 5 years in this role, I received an interesting opportunity. I started a new role for the company ABAXIS Europe GmbH, leader in Point of Care Diagnostics where I broadened my knowledge from the International Petcare industry to the human and animal health POC Diagnostics. Lastly in 2018 the company has been acquired by the largest animal health company, Zoetis, Inc.

Today I am thankful that I went through the post-merger integration process. Even if this experience was accompanied by a period of tension, uncertainty, and a lot of changes with the resulting organization. Zoetis offered me the terrific chance to lead the international training.

The benefits of an MBA to my career

In the International Healthcare Management MBA class at Frankfurt School, I am surrounded by experienced healthcare professionals working in different health sectors as well as managers in the healthcare industry from all over the world. We are learning together and from each other.

The curriculum covers different topics like international healthcare trends, business economics, finance, controlling, strategic management, marketing, leadership, etc. We also participate in very interesting Executive talks with guest lectures from the health sector. One key advantage of this MBA are the site visits from key players in the healthcare industry, for example the MERCK site visit that we could realize virtually in the second module.

My goal is to gain a holistic understanding and deep knowledge of the international healthcare business and structures that I will be able to apply in my daily business to excel in my role.

Biggest take-aways and highlights from the first modules

I realized that this is always the right time to start huge projects and take big decisions. Starting a Part-time MBA in International Healthcare Management was one of the best decisions I ever made. I have an amazing work-life balance combining a full-time job, a family and student life.

I am starting the third module in a few weeks, and my impression of the first two is just outstanding and exceeded my expectations. Of course, COVID 19 had an impact on the MBA. However, the lectures have been adapted in a way that the curriculum, the teaching materials and the quality of the learning remains intact with a hybrid module that allows those participants able to come to campus to experience the lectures face-to-face. Those who are not able to travel are invited to connect online. All our professors made sure to allow interaction between all participants, for instance with group assignments in dedicated chat rooms combining a mix of in-campus colleagues and those joining online.

Compared to the current business environment also impacted by COVID 19, there is no differences in the approaches. In my current role, I am facilitating, organizing, and conducting virtual training sessions involving many key stakeholders and colleagues working with international markets. All interactions, meetings and training sessions are happening virtually. And surprisingly, it works amazingly!

