Books, e-books, research data management - FS library over the course of time
FS Life / 14 September 2015
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Leiterin Bibliothek, Fakultät
Seit 2003 bin ich als Bibliothekarin für die Frankfurt School tätig. Forschung und Lehre an der FS bestmöglich zu unterstützen ist meine Aufgabe.

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After 12 years in the library of Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, I can say: “There is always something new – to learn, to discover and to develop.” The existing on-site collection of the library, which is a specialist business and economics library, consists of

  • approximately 33,000 media units, including
  • approximately 26,500 monographs and
  • over 2000 e-books.
  • Moreover, in addition to the current daily newspapers in English and German, there is a wide variety of national and international magazines.

bibliothek02 There have been few spatial changes in recent years, but on the other hand, some significant technical and innovative developments have been made that are not so obvious at first glance. Print stocks on bookshelves and magazine racks for manual access have become fewer as access to online databases has increased.These also include access to a number of international databases for corporate and financial market information for research purposes. bibliothek01 Students and academic staff today have come to expect state-of-the-art access and circulation regardless of space and time.Using remote access means that the desired literature can be accessed even late at night. In 2010/2011 the FS library also followed the call from the publishers and expanded the e-books area.After various test phases and careful consideration, the decision was made for an international and a national e-book aggregator and the package purchase of a large publishing house.This means that 2,025 e-books can be accessed at any time. Business and economics journals are available online via the publishers’ websites in full text. The FS library team also always takes account of developments in the librarian profession, inter alia by attending library days or book fairs.At these specialist events current developments are presented and the future of libraries is discussed, which is controversial in some cases.How will the user behaviour of the students of tomorrow change?To what extent will IT skills be in the foreground in future, alongside the standard skills profile of a librarian today?There are particular issues specifically for the library area of private universities, such as the construction and design of research data management at business schools. library_night These issues can be discussed in the light of practical circumstances in networking with colleagues in other private universities.As deputy chairman of the private university libraries working group I check with my colleagues, for example, what developments and innovations in the industry are most conducive for teaching and research in the rather smaller libraries of private universities. FS library’s membership of the German Library Association serves for the professional exchange of information, to keep up with the latest trends. A new modern library – now called a learning center – awaits us on the future campus of Frankfurt School in Adickesallee.Frankfurt School is building the future.This will also be reflected in this area of the business school.We are looking forward to it.

