E-Learning – out of the island, right into the workplace
Executive Education / 15 January 2016
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Professional & Executive Education
Klaus Beinke ist Direktor der Frankfurt School und Vorstand der efiport AG. Als Mitglied des Präsidiums ist er zuständig für die Executive Education. Zudem verantwortet er die Ausrichtung des Bildungsangebots auf moderne Lehrmedien. Klaus Beinke is a Director at Frankfurt School and member of the management board responsible for Executive Education.

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Education Management and blended learning in LMS for apoBank employees
Whilst a few years ago the question was still being asked as to whether e-learning was an island solution for individual early adopters, gamification, blended and mobile learning, individualisation and big data have undoubtedly arrived in the middle of the world of work. How modern methods diversity in training for employees and entrepreneurs can become a competitive advantage is shown by the learning management system (LMS) developed by efiport AG for apoBank.


The challenge
Swotting as well as your day job? Three seminar days spent away from work? Always looking after your customers to the highest quality standard and up to date in terms of knowledge? – “How can it be done?” one or another employee or contractor may wonder. But further training is a must – partly with content prescribed by the legislator to meet the quality requirements of the company and for ongoing personal development.


The business
At Deutsche Apotheker und Ärztebank specialist consultants assist customers professionally in planning and designing their financial situation, both professionally and personally. It is also apoBank’s particular claim to be a leader in customer satisfaction. At each of 80 locations, this requires employees who have the highest level of both personal and professional skills.

How can we succeed in enabling approximately 700 employees working at Head Office and 1,800 working elsewhere, with equally high quality further training, to meet the challenges of their jobs and harmonise continued training with their day-to-day work?


The solution
By bringing learning to employees – anytime, anywhere, on any end device. This flexibility is achieved by LMS “apoCampus”, developed by efiport for apoBank. The responsive design and the interaction of e-training, web-based training, consultant check-ups, electronic documents and test modules, provide a learning experience that allows employees to continue training according to their individual needs. Both mandatory and optional learning modules help develop the skills of each employee. Classroom training completes this interactive blended learning concept.

The connection of the system into the existing infrastructure, the role and authorisation concept ensure simple administration. This is currently almost exclusively supervised by a person in human resources development at apoBank. Through numerous user roles and associated properties and daily updating with the data from the bank’s personnel management system, the relevant learning content is put together on a daily basis for each employee. Tailor-made offers promote motivation and the personal responsibility of each individual to use the offers and continue to design their learning plan individually.


The result
ApoBank is thus well on the way towards a new learning culture: after 100 days, more than 95 % of employees are using apoCampus – and in the last employee survey, satisfaction with educational opportunities within the company increased significantly. In addition, the time required for attendance seminars has already reduced after the LMS has only been running for a few months, so that on average about ten additional days can be used for advising customers. Simultaneously, travel and accommodation costs are falling by a good 50 per cent. These first positive effects illustrate the potential of promoting and challenging employees optimally by the use of e-learning technology and blended learning concepts. The quality of further training is improving. Positive effects in consultancy and customer satisfaction are to be expected.

Currently, Volker Pohl, project manager at apoBank, will be reporting, on Tuesday 26.01. at 16:30, in the user forum at Learntec in Karlsruhe – the international trade fair for learning with IT from 26 to 28 January 2016 – on how the bank-wide roll-out was designed: “Individual, measurable, mobile – apoCampus modern learning management in practice”. efiport AG will be advising on site in Hall 1, on Stand D49.

