The relevance of Error culture - A comment on the VW scandal
Executive Education / 22 September 2015
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Head of Competence Centre, Communication and Sales
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What will an error cost you?

Rarely do errors achieve the dimensions we will see in the case of the VW scandal. Yet mistakes or shortcomings are often hushed up because everyone tries to be better, and no one wants to say what he cannot do or has not achieved. Certainly there were also voices at VW who wanted to counteract manipulation. Why were they not heard?

Establish one’s own error culture

It is about the culture that characterises a system, so that it does not deal with errors openly –or does not deal with them at all. What would have happened if an employee had openly said “No, we do not achieve the prescribed emission standards”? One has certainly said it. And is the “bearer of this bad news” still in the company? Is he less “loyal”? Yes, it takes time and it is a difficult process to establish one’s own error culture. Yes, it was never easy to admit what was done wrong – and yet this offers tremendous opportunities for companies. Questioning processes that led to the emergence of errors means not only actively questioning one’s own errors, but subsequently also building a learning culture. It raises questions posed by the personal attitude in dealing with one’s own errors and the errors of others. This often raises the question of one’s own feedback culture and whether such a thing also helps enhance performance. There are many instruments and measures for error handling in daily work, and the ways to achieve this are complex and often not straightforward. Each company must find in itself a willingness to go this way.

In our error culture training course you will learn the first steps for the implementation of an open error culture and dealing with sustainable and effective

