Studying my way: becoming a Master of Financial Law while working full-time
Master of Financial Law / 19 September 2019
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Master of Financial Law Class of 2020
Nico is currently a student in the first Master of Financial Law intake. Alongside his part-time degree course, he works at Pricewaterhouse Coopers in the AFC Compliance department.

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Wie ich den Master of Financial Law in meinen Alltag integriere

After finishing my bachelor’s degree in Economics, all I wanted to do was embark on my professional career as soon as possible. I was offered my first job in the finance industry, working for an audit company in Frankfurt. And in my day-to-day work, I soon noticed that every economic issue I dealt with also had some kind of legal component. Right from the start, I knew that I definitely wanted a master’s degree as well. But I had made a good start in my new job and didn’t want to lose momentum as I developed my career. So it became clear that my only option was to do a part-time master’s degree – ideally covering economic and legal subjects that were directly relevant to me and my career. As it turned out, Frankfurt School’s Master of Financial Law (renamed to Master of Banking und Capital Markets Law) was precisely the right degree programme for me, because it satisfies all these criteria in full.

The programme

What sets the Master of Financial Law programme apart is the way it connects together legal and economic topics associated with finance. The Master of Financial Law curriculum covers all these subject areas, giving you a broad understanding of the relevant financial issues. Most of our lecturers have practical experience of the finance industry. So we didn’t just gain great insights into the theory, we also found out how to apply it in practice – in the real world. As well as our lecturers, we also got to know fellow students employed by a wide variety of companies, meaning we were also able to share and discuss our own professional impressions and experience. As far as I’m concerned, you won’t find another business school or degree programme covering this particular combination of subjects in such a balanced way.

Programme benefits and format

Standard full-time degree courses are good at conveying key theoretical content – but often neglect its more practical relevance. So when you kick off your career, it’s often a question of “learning on the job”. What’s more, my bachelor’s degree course didn’t touch on any of the related legal issues whatsoever. Conversely, fellow students of mine with legal backgrounds are particularly appreciative of the Master of Financial Law programme’s economics classes. Often, your professional workload leaves you with little time – and sometimes, little motivation – to explore contemporary, real-world issues in depth. So it’s important to note that both the classes and examinations in the Master of Financial Law programme are based on real-world considerations, taking, for example, the form of case studies rather than just exploring theoretical abstractions. For me, what I’ve learned has added real value to my job and is helping me advance my career.

Studying part-time

The degree course is designed as a part-time programme. Classes are held at roughly four-week intervals in the form of block seminars extending from Thursday to Saturday. So it’s easy to schedule your classroom time. Obviously, there will be times when you’re especially busy at work but also have to write an essay or revise for an exam. Even so, it’s all doable. After all, if you opt for a part-time degree course, you have to be prepared to put some effort in!


