My choice, my second home, my future
Master in Management / 15 April 2021
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Master in Management Class of 2020
Anastasia works as a Trainee at the European Central Bank in the Supervisory Strategy and Risk Directorate. She pursued a Master in Management here at Frankfurt School.

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With a background in Finance and Engineering, I chose to pursue the Master in Management at Frankfurt School. My goal was to get a holistic picture over business management as well as to understand the key drivers of success both from a leadership and organisational perspective. For my specialisation, I mostly chose subjects from the Digital Business field as I believe these are highly relevant to keep up with market developments and to establish an “innovator” mentality.

During the programme, I had the opportunity to get to know inspiring people, many of whom became friends. The multitude of interests and backgrounds made these 2 years a unique experience. Everyone had the opportunity to exchange views and many hours in class were spent debating. Moreover, the great emphasis on group work and presentations helped me overcome the fear of speaking in front of an audience and taught me how to efficiently and effectively deliver the best results in a limited amount of time.

Studying and living in Frankfurt

Studying in Frankfurt is a great choice due to its open and international community and the great amount of employers for both English and German speakers. Career opportunities vary from financial and banking sector to automotive, such as Kia or healthcare, such as Fresenius or Merck. I would highly advise you to use the time as a student to get to know as many companies as possible during your studies! During my Master’s, I worked at UBS and I have written a whole blog about balancing working and studying here.

Being an international city, Frankfurt always felt like a second home. Starting from a wide variety of restaurants and cuisines to meeting people of all nationalities at various networking events or bars, Frankfurt always felt like a very outgoing city where the majority of people knows English. Additionally, there are plenty of locations to visit in the surrounding areas of Frankfurt such as old castles in the Taunus woods, wineries in the Rheingau regions, small and cute cities such as Eltville or Seligenstadt and many more. The fact that you can have a quick weekend escape from Frankfurt anytime and find yourself in a completely different atmosphere makes the experience even more attractive.

After MiM

Currently, I am employed as a Trainee at the European Central Bank in the Supervisory Strategy and Risk Directorate. As part of my tasks, I have the great honour to support the supervision of banks in the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) and investigate topics such as governance, climate and cyber risk. Having joined during the restructuring of the SSM, I am happy to help build the new structure and contribute to the long-term prosperity of the banking sector.

