Three tips to make the most out of your time at Frankfurt School
Master in Management / 24 July 2023
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Master in Management Class of 2023
Before coming to Frankfurt School, Maximilian graduated from the Cologne School of Journalism and did a bachelor’s in Social Sciences at the University of Cologne. He interned in consulting at Horváth, BMC Strategy and Edelman and in communications at McKinsey, Capital and WirtschaftsWoche. Maximilian is an Executive Director of the European Carbon Offset Tokenization Association.

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If you ever talked to me about my experience with the Master in Management at Frankfurt School, you probably heard me say that there is a very valuable yet unofficially second education that you are getting: an education in time management.

When I started at FS two years ago, the opportunities to learn, network and build my career were almost overwhelming. If you wanted to, you could spend your entire week at the campus in Frankfurt’s north without ever getting bored. But a day only has so many hours. So, I wanted to give you three tips on focusing your (trust me, way too short) time at FS. These are the tips I wish someone had given me at the start.

Tip #1: Focus on one student initiative

At FS, there are dozens of student initiatives for almost any interest you might have: sports, arts, business games, consulting and many more. At the start of your programme, it is tempting to get into multiple initiatives simultaneously. But during your semester, you will probably not have the time to meaningfully contribute to much more than one initiative during your week, especially if you want to get on the board of one of these initiatives (which I highly encourage you to do). So, devoting your passion to one, maybe two, initiatives is your best bet on building your footprint in the FS student body.

For me, this initiative has been Frankfurt School Student Consulting (FSSC). I have met and worked with countless talented students from various FS programmes in this initiative. My network grew enormously because of the projects I led at the student consultancy. I invest some seven hours of my week into my work at FSSC. This does not have to be your time commitment; it could be more or less. But is there really room for two initiatives between studying and working for you? Think about your ambition for an initiative and be realistic about your weekly time budget.

Tip #2: Attend as many events as possible

If you signed up for our FS JobTeaser and the Career Service Newsletter, there are multiple career events in a week that you could attend. This being said, you must register or apply to these events and be selected by the organiser. My tip is to apply to as many of them as you realistically can attend. These events can become a pillar of your network and career path – if you are willing to accept that there will be events where the spots are limited, and the organiser will choose someone else. Your path at FS is in your hands – go out of your comfort zone and actively try to make the most of it.

A good example for me is the yearly FS career fair, where companies present themselves on campus and look for promising internships/graduate hires. I always tried to talk to as many of these companies as I could. And I got multiple follow-up interviews after every career fair. I am currently interning at the strategy consulting firm Horváth – they even approached me after reviewing my CV at the career fair.

Tip #3: Talk to experienced students

How could you prepare for the admission test and interview at FS? What is important for your professors in final presentations? Students from an earlier intake in your programme likely know the answer. And this is an excellent opportunity for you. In my experience, FS and its alumni are like a family. Reach out to students or ambassadors on LinkedIn and email or talk to them at Master events like the Open Campus. Most likely, they have an answer to your question.

While researching the MiM, I attended an Online Info Evening and reached out to the presenting FS ambassador after the event on LinkedIn. We talked about the admissions test, interview and student life. This conversation was a big part of why I chose FS, and I was more relaxed going into the assessment centre.

With these three tips, I think you are well prepared to make the most of your time at Frankfurt School and become an excellent time manager. I hope that you will enjoy joining the FS family!

