No Business Bachelor? No Problem!
Master in Management / 24 June 2019
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Master in Management Class of 2020
Philipp just started his Master in Management at FS and is a member of our student initiative FS Economy & Politics.

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After I received my letter of admittance from Frankfurt School, questions – that had previously just lingered in the back of my head, not real enough to be of concern – clawed back into the foreground. Will I make it? Will I lag behind with my undergrad in humanities? Will I make a fool of myself for not knowing things that are blatantly obvious to others? Will I get a job when I have so much less field-specific experience than others?

Below are the answers that I would give my younger self with today’s knowledge.

The challenges

For some of you, the challenges even go beyond simply a new subject. There’s a new city, a new country, a new language to handle. That’s for sure no small consideration. But as you can see from some of the other articles on this blog there are plenty of programs, initiatives and buddies that have you covered. The only real necessary precondition is that you want it. The main challenge is to embrace the change that this leap of faith ensures.

The opportunities

But of course, where there are challenges, there are opportunities as well. Three of them going into this program with a “niche”-degree are:

  1. Asking people for help and getting to know others and their insights becomes a necessity.
    There is simply no excuse and no way around it. Helping and getting help is the foundation of successful networking.
  2. Lots and lots of new knowledge.
    Whatever you have studied before, this is something different. While some of the subjects may contain a certain amount of overlap for some of your fellow students (e.g. maybe one had a concentration on supply chain or marketing in their bachelor) you will hear something you haven’t heard before in almost every lecture.
  3. With case-based learning, it’s not always just finance.
    Since all the cases you are going to work with involve real-world business situations the business insights e.g. from fellow students who studied computer science or engineering proved to be a huge asset. The same holds true for our psychologists during Behavioral Finance. Personally, I am looking forward to our Business ethics module where I am sure to be able to provide some insights for our classroom discussions.

The payoff

But where are the benefits in going the extra mile? Depending on your previous subject, it is obvious that there is limited range of applicability of your existing knowledge (you are here to learn something new, aren’t you?). A computer science undergrad will have an easier time transitioning than a liberal art one, who hasn’t touched math for quite some time. But what is sure for each of you: While several business administration undergrads might have a hard time explaining employers their unique selling points, you have a unique selling point as long as you are able to communicate a connection between your Bachelor and your Master – got this base covered from the get-go..

To jump or not to jump?

To sum it up: No Business Bachelor? No problem!

No really, I do recommend taking the leap and stepping out of your comfort-zone. In comparison to your fellow students that already have an economics minor your horizon will expand exponentially rather than incrementally. There will be a time in tomorrow’s working world where any specific, distinguishable task will be automated. The ones that can go deep but also connect the dots across different fields will still outbrain the machines.

To find out more about Frankfurt School’s master programmes click here.

