The journey begins: EMBA class of 2022
Executive MBA / 13 November 2020
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Executive MBA Class of 2022
Alessandro is currently studying in the Executive MBA programme at Frankfurt School. He is working as a Senior Operations Excellence Manager at Amazon in Munich. He has broad experience in operations and before moving to Amazon, he worked 10 years at General Electric, covering several different roles.

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My incredible EMBA journey and the unwavering support of Frankfurt School

Opening Weekend

In the first days of October, the Executive MBA programme at Frankfurt School had its opening weekend and first block week. It was an impressive professional and personal experience. During these days, we had the chance to receive further information about the programme, hear feedback and impressions from EMBA Alumni, while getting to know each other. Our class is made up of 46 students coming from 26 different countries – the class with most diversity so far. On Saturday, we spent all day in team building activities, which was very interesting to collaborate and worked together to execute several tasks.

The Block Week

After the team building weekend, we had a full week of lectures: General Management and Entrepreneurship. We had the chance to share our experience in terms of Management and Leadership, it is always very interesting to hear and learn from leaders across different sectors. We also completed our first group assignments and after the lectures, each team met to prepare a presentation to deliver in front of the class. A way to improve our presentation and public speaking skills. Furthermore, it was a good chance for the students to work together and share their knowledge regarding presentations. I was very impressed by the Entrepreneurship module, taught by Professor Yossi Maaravi. He provided us a lot of information about the innovation and design thinking. If possible, I will definitely travel to Israel for the international week and do a further deep-dive on this topic.


From the first days it was very clear to me that applying for this programme was a very good idea. Firstly, the strong quality of the lectures and the professors and secondly, because of the variety and the mindset of all the students. We all come to Frankfurt School to learn about topics that will allow us to become the leaders of the future and to build a strong network. Spending every third weekend of the month with my classmates will also make the experience very pleasant. This makes a big difference considering that the EMBA, on top of a full-time job, is challenging. However, we are all professionals who enjoy the challenges and are motivated when under pressure. Right now, with the Covid19 pandemic, our experience will be different, and we will have to follow a set of new rules. On the other side, the restrictions would give us extra-time to prepare for the modules and to work on our post-assignments. I especially enjoyed being in an environment with people who give high value to self-development and being a life-long learner. For this reason, the school is giving us the chance to attend the lectures also after our graduation – part of the Life-Long Learning programme. Finally, I am very happy to be among people who consider self-development as a priority and regularly share books, articles and documentaries recommendations to help each of us improve.

A LinkedIn “Story“

Before starting the programme, I decided to write a story about my journey at Frankfurt School. When on campus, I post on LinkedIn about what we are doing, which many people appreciate and enjoy seeing how the programme is evolving. Especially seeing what takes place “behind the scenes.”

