Exploring the world of business, finance and management through a Full-time MBA
Full-time MBA / 13 October 2021
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Full-time MBA Class of 2022
Shirley holds a Bachelor’s in Medical Science, she worked in the Medical Device industry for 4 years in a German company focussing on business development and sales in London & South-East UK.

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On an island far, far away, United Kingdom, once lived a freshly graduated Medical Science student that Googled what she could do with her bachelor’s degree – without doing what the degree prepared her for. In perhaps a twist of fate, a graduate post on LinkedIn published by Braun Medical kickstarted her journey into the world of Medical Devices sales.

A little bit about my background

“Clinical Spine Specialist” was the name of the role that I had applied for. On paper, it was all very clear what the job entailed: to be able to work as part of a Spinal field-based sales team whilst utilising knowledge of Spinal anatomy and physiology to support neurosurgeons and orthopaedic surgeons in various hospitals across London and South-East UK. After a very intense selection and interview process, I was finally able to enter my first job and was immediately surprised at how much more difficult the job was compared to its description.

I used to sell spinal instrument kits and implants to surgeons, meaning I was also the surgeons’ trouble-shooter (sometimes at 2 am during the weekend!) when I stood in scrubs guiding both surgeons and nurses through the next crucial steps of the spinal operation. It was a wonderful, strange job that was heavily reliant on communication skills on one day but in-depth biomechanical and pathophysiological knowledge on another day.

My days, weeks, and months changed from one moment to another, depending on the patients, nurses, surgeons, hospitals, and even the country. However, the thing that didn’t change was the dependability of my team members who were always a message away to support and guide me. Without their expertise, I could not have developed and matured my work ethic.

Why I decided to join the Full-time MBA?

With the experiences I accumulated from and with my team, I realise what my real passion was for in my job. I became hungrier for business development opportunities; it was where I flourished. However, the reality check soon kicked in. My Medical Science background had carried me decently into my career, but the lack of foundation in business management and administration was frustratingly stunting my newfound passion. Thus, I made the riskiest investment so far in my life, to have no income and go back to studying.

After much reflection and research, I found that the Full-time MBA was the missing link with Frankfurt School offering the best course for my career boost. From covering the basics of finance and economics to providing a German language course, I couldn’t be in better hands at FS. And so, a new chapter begins for me, no longer on the island but in a young country to explore the exciting world of business finance and management.

