Leadership skills and their significance in the TBE industry
Executive Education / 2 October 2020
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Michelle Neumann is Marketing & Sales Coordinator Professional & Executive Education at Frankfurt School.

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To achieve a lifelong, professional mastery of the responsibilities associated with executive management, it is vital to acquire the relevant leadership skills. Executives working in the technical building equipment (TBE) industry in particular usually possess a very high level of technical expertise, which is what has enabled them to climb the career ladder. However, they are often much less familiar with commercial issues, or with the dos and don’ts of corporate leadership. But while this inadequate preparation can be a hindrance, well-planned continuing education can help them to overcome such managerial obstacles.

Fulfilling the management remit

Executives in middle management are responsible not just for their teams, but for a plethora of important management activities. They must ensure that specific targets are met, and that team members stay motivated. They must be assertive when interacting with managers in other departments and deftly champion their own department’s interests. As key points of contact for the senior management team, they must transform the latter’s strategies and policies into real-world actions, and are held responsible for the outcomes. All of which means that executives are exposed to a great deal of pressure.

To help executives develop a professional management style, companies in the TBE sector are now arranging training courses that focus on building the necessary skills. Working closely with the Federal Industrial Association for Technical Building Equipment (Bundesindustrieverband Technische Gebäudeausrüstung e.V. – BTGA), Frankfurt School of Finance & Management has developed a programme that fills in the knowledge gaps that could otherwise hamper effective executive and project management – as Patrick Ganz, a project manager at Daume GmbH, explains. Together with his colleague Sascha Gonzalez (also a project manager), Mr Ganz completed Frankfurt School’s Certified Technical Building Equipment Manager certification course last year. Subsequently, they told us more about their experiences both on the course and afterwards.

Feedback on the Certified TBE Manager course

Both project managers would recommend the Certified TBE Manager certification course to others. The Business Administration, Project Management and Communication modules in particular had the huge advantage that much of what they learned could be applied directly to their everyday work – in team management, for example. Their conclusion? For those coming from a purely technical educational or commercial background, much of the course content is new and useful. And because the course is structured as a series of individual training blocks (3-6 days in a row), it is very easy to focus on each topic and delve into the details of each module. Looking forward, both Daume GmbH project managers felt that future versions of the course should include even more real-world, industry-relevant content.

Thanks to our close collaboration with BTGA and to feedback from participants who took part in the first edition of this course during 2019, we have duly modified the programme curriculum for 2021. In the future, by working together with mentoring partners and C-suite speakers from the TBE industry, we will further consolidate the course’s direct integration of general executive management skills with industry-specific insights from the TBE sector.

You can find additional course details, as well as the information you need to contact us in person, on our website.

